Sound insulation of plastic windows is one of its most important characteristics. This feature makes the biggest difference with the wooden ones and provided the growth of popularity of PVC windows. With the growth of cities and as a result,traffic flows, noise pollution has been increasing. Therefore, the developers of windows are constantly searching for new solutions allowing to improve the ability of windows to protect the house from external noise.
The human ear is able to perceive sounds that are located in the range from 16 Hz to 20 kHz and has a maximum sensitivity to sounds with a frequency from 400 Hz to 3 kHz. The sound intensity is commonly measured in decibels. The lower threshold of audibility which is perceived by the person as a complete silence is a null value for this parameter. The noise of the street can have a different intensity, depending on its human and transport flows and the availability of various enterprises. Its standard range of 40 to 80 decibels.
The speed of sound depends on the environment.Plastic windows dampen the noise during its passage through the glass and the interlayer, in between them. Wavelength change while overcoming the glass barriers, and changes again after distribution in the air gap and passing through the second glass.
That is why two-chabered windows provide better protection from noise than single-chamber. Windows with different width of cameras and glasses of different thickness cope with it the best.
An important role in noise protection ability plays a tightness of adjustment of sashes to frame. In practice, the quality of the the sound insulation properties of the window depend on tightness even more than on the number of chambers.
Thinking about what level of sound proofing you need, don't overdo it. Improving the noise insulation by increasing the mass of the window is not the best solution. Double-glass, heavy profile system, improved sealing leads to a serious overweight and higher cost of construction. Therefore, these windows should only be installed where it is a real necessity.
Which kind of windows would you prefer If you were going to replace the old ones in your house or apartment?